Will WNBR Happen In Edinburgh this Year?

Posted by chdot on June 10, 2009

Edinburgh isn’t very good at doing mass cycling events that are wildly successful elsewhere. On the last Friday of each month thousands take to the streets in more than 300 cities across the world in local Critical Masses. Here it’s just a few people, maybe.

Similarly with WNBR.  70 cities have citizens brave enough to take some, or all of their clothes off (‘official’ dress code is “As Bare As You Dare”). Last year (see photo) a few dozen people who were willing to show as much skin as might be seen on Porty beach assembled on Middle Meadow Walk by the Sustrans signpost. A few even contemplated revealing more, but Lothian and Borders Police have a very firm position on such things… 

This year no-one has been bothered to organise WNBR here. If you pass by at 3.00 you may see more Police than participants (you’ll be missing the Cycle Speedway International too!

8 Responses to “Will WNBR Happen In Edinburgh this Year?”

  1. jacquiephelan said

    The most simple solution is to combine the two events.
    Red Bruise Races/World Naked Speedway. Problem solved.

  2. jacquiephelan said

    WHy do I get the phelan that only I write back silly commints?

  3. James said

    Well it really depends on what you define as a successful WNBR I suppose….

    We two intrepid Glaswegians set forth to Edinburgh, setting aside city rivalries, overcoming obstacles such as bodypainting in the toilet of a moving train, a ruptured inner tube outside Waverly, and the fact that we only really had enough clothing between us for one person.

    On arriving at Middle Meadows, we cycled up and down looking for fellow bohemians, but none could we see! At the appointed time, upon the stroke of three, there was a mighty clap of thunder, and the heavens did spill forth their watery bounty…

    As the rain beat down, and cyclists whized past, we contemplated grabbing them and demanding they strip that we might fake photographic evidence of a big turnout… but in the end there was nothing we could do but cast our own clothes and inhibitions to the elements, cheered on by a nearby pair of tightrope walkers (I am not making this up!). Photographic evidence thus created (to be posted in due time) and honour served, we cycled back to Waverly and from thence back to Glasgow (where the sun was, and still is, shining brightly)

    On the plus side the police presence was very light, being precicly zero…

  4. chdot said

    Shame about the rain.

    The rest is just so Edinburgh…

    Next year Glasgow??

  5. jacquiephelan said

    ooh, thnk you James for carrying on the tradition
    and you HAd better bluddy well put up a blog/flickr for the pervs amungus
    to appreciate.
    And thanks to Chdot for having the wisdm to mention the wnbrrrrversary
    so james could write the very funny comment.
    Sure, next year in GlASS-gow.
    ever barin’ the soul
    ever bare

  6. Giselle said

    Hi, I would be very interested in organising the Edinburgh ride this year! Wanted to last year, but alas the dates it was due for I wad away, and had only recently moved up from York (where I had participated in a wnbr, and it wad fab!) but this year am a little more familiar with the city and if anyone else is interested in organising please get in touch!

  7. Well it’s official. The Edinburgh naked bike ride will be happening this year and it sounds like it will finally be well promoted for a really good turnout. We are oooi, an Edinburgh based film and design company and we have agreed to produce the flyers and film the event. Hope to see you all there. Contact Giselle for any further details on 0796 384 4367

  8. drifty said

    I am interested in the 2010 ride, but:
    1) the date clashes with the London ride and
    2) the map isn’t clear. The “red circle” indicates north of Broughton Road. Surely that is not correct?

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